The List:
Even though the most recent issue of the series was probably its weakest-- weakest for this title is still better than most books out there. Morrison and Quitely are continuing their stellar run, and this continues to be the first book off my pile regardless of what else comes out that week. REGARDLESS.
(w. Warren Ellis, a. Ben Templesmith)
Previous Ranking: 2
It still reigns as the best thing Warren Ellis currently writing.

(w. Brian Azzarello, a. Eduardo Risso)
Previous Ranking: 3
As Azzarello writes us into the final stretches of this great series, he has created an atmosphere where anything-can-happen, which is both exciting and scary (for my favorite characters). Some people have been tough on the book because its details are hard to follow, and although I can agree with that (I get lost too!) it has been worth it so far, and I think it will all pay off handsomely in the end. Plus, Eduardo Risso is brilliant.
(w. Brian Vaughan, a. Pia Guerra)
Previous Ranking: 5
The most recent issue was its best in recent memory, finally paying off a plot point from the very first issue.
(w/a. Stan Sakai)
Previous Ranking; 4
The long time comics auteur, Stan Sakai, just keeps on quietly putting out good comics.

(w. Jason Aaron, a. R.M. Guera)
Previous Ranking: new
This title wasn't even ranked three months ago, and now it is not only one of my favorites, its just one of the best comics on the stands, period. That's why its jumped all the way on to my Top 10. Sopranos on a Reservation makes me cringe, but it is somewhat accurate. One-by-one, Aaron and Guera are giving each character depth, the most recent, a brilliant issue concentrating on the series' main villain.

(w. Ed Brubaker, a. Sean Phillips)
Previous Ranking: 10
This book has been rock solid, starting with the great opening arc, and continuing to the even better second arc called "Lawless." Brubaker got a lot of buzz this last year for his Captain America surprise, but this has really been his butter. Not just a great crime comic, its just a great comic.

(w. Joss Whedon, a. John Cassaday)
Previous Ranking: 6
Drops a couple of notches, but that's more to blame on the books above it, rather than any judgment on its own quality. The shipping schedule is the thing that bugs me the most, but mostly because as an X-Fan, this title seems to exist in its own pocket universe. We are promised that soon it will all work out. The announcement of the new team looms at con.
(w. Matz, a. Luc Jacamon)
Previous Ranking: 7
(w. Brett Matthews, a. Sergio Cariello)
Previous Ranking: 11
Damn right its in the Top 10, because Mr. Matthews and Cariello are doing one of the better comics on the stands for my dollar.

(w. Joss Whedon, a. Georges Jeanty)
Previous Ranking: new
This book jumps on to my Top 25 like I knew it would after finishing the first issue. Might be a bit of a "What the fuck?" for non-Buffy fans, but man what a good time I'm having. I do wish the art was better, but Georges Jeanty has been doing a good job, and his commitment to Season 8 is more important to me than a "big name."
(w. Garth Ennis, a. Darick Robertson)
Previous Ranking: 12
Hughie is one of my favorite Garth Ennis characters to date. I'm really happy this is back.
(w. Grant Morrison, a. Andy Kubert)
Previous Ranking: 8
Dropped a bit, but I'm still digging Morrison's take on Batman.
(w. Brian Bendis, a. Mike Oeming)
Previous Ranking: 13
No one is talking about it these days, but I'm still a really big fan of this book.

(w. Ed Brubaker, a. Steve Epting & Mike Perkins)
Previous Ranking: 24
First, Brubaker does the UNTHINKABLE: He brings Bucky back to life. THEN, he goes and kills comic icon Captain America, drawing national attention and forever putting his name in the old history books. Amidst all of that, Bucky aka The Winter Soldier became one of the coolest and fascinating characters in the Marvel Universe, and the only thing that has happened to this title, is that it has improved as it goes along. Really good comic right now.
#16 DMZ
(w. Brian Wood, a, Ricardo Burchelli)
Previous Ranking: 16
This book is rock solid in its second year.

(w. Bill Willingham, a. Mark Buckingham)
Previous Ranking: 23
This book makes a move up for me, basically because the most recent storyline is one of my favorites of the series thus far. The series is at a point where the large cast has been so well developed, that Willingham can just have a lot of fun with the sandbox he's created. As always, the James Jean covers are amongst the best in the industry.
(w. Peter David, a. Pablo Raimondi)
Previous Ranking: 14
I wasn't into the X-Cell storyline very much, but David's character work has been spot on, the most recent issue a case-in-point.
(w/a. Ben Templesmith)
Previous Ranking: 17
Dropped a couple of spots only because of the hiatus, one of the surprise books of the past year for me.

(w. Brian Azzarello, a. Werther Dell'Edera)
Previous Ranking: 7
I'm a bit surprised that this book fell here, because in ways I think its better than it was. The thing that has been missing however: Wes Cutter. So the quality is still high, I'm personally just not as invested. With his health returning and Ruth starting to be discovered, the next few months should be more interesting.
(w. Brian Bendis, a. Leinil Yu)
Previous: 18
I don't mind the Skrull thing, and I'm willing to see where the story takes us.
(w. Antony Johnson, a. Christopher Mitten)
Previous Ranking: 20

(w. Mike Carey, a.Chris Bachalo & Humberto Ramos)
Previous Ranking: new
If I was making this list when I was 14, this book would have been near the top. Today, I'm happy and surprised that it has crawled its way back into my good graces and makes it here. Carey gets the X-Men and it shows. Meanwhile, I'm torn with the art because I really like Bachalo, but Ramos doesn't always work for me on this title.
(w. Robert Kirkman, a. Charlie Adlard)
Previous Ranking: 21
(w. Ed Brubaker, a. Michael Lark)
Previous Ranking: 25
Fell Out:
#15 AUTHORITY: The first two issues were intriguing, but it might not ever come out again.
#19 MIGHTY AVENGERS: Good so far, but just not good enough to make this cut.
#22 GIRLS: Ended.
Books on the rise: