book of the week:

(w. Peter David, a. Pablo Ramiondi)
Not a great book this week, but a pretty good one gets the top spot. The final part in the latest X-Factor storyline ends with our heroes barely escaping (the crazy!) Isolationist and his slightly far-fetched plan to kill the Earth's remaining mutants. From here the series moves into the big Mutant Crossover: Messiah Complex. Then somewhere down the line will hopefully return to the character as series villain. Also, even though we got some teases over the course of the first 24 issues, I'm excited to see these X-Factor characters interact with the main teams again. Some nice Raimondi art once again.
other real good comics:

PUNISHER #51: I really liked this issue, but I really can't help myself when Frank goes completely over-the-top bad ass. You know, biting people's faces, all the while, still wanting to protect the puny humans from the big bad Barracuda. Looking forward to their showdown, but I will be sad if the Garth Ennis rumors are true. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE GARTH! PLEEEEAAAASE!
three-star comics:

STORMWATCH PHD #12: A good, if a bit of a ho-hum ending to a rather confusing series. For one, without a doubt, Gage is a talented writer. He has a good knack for character, and juggles a large team book (basically two teams) with great ease, letting most of the characters get their moment to shine. Its just too bad that I feel like this series slowly fell downhill, bottoming at the horrible Synergy murder attempt on her husband, and then meandered back up to pretty good in the final issues. If I can find time, I've really wanted to post something about Wildstorm as a whole because I have much more to say about this one.
NEW WARRIORS #5: I like the idea of this comic, the story and even the art, as I think Medina has "big star" in his future. And this was another perfectly good issue. My problem at this point, is that I don't feel like I know the New Warriors much at all besides for Sofia and what I already knew of Jubilee as a long time X-Fan. It looks like some of the characters are starting to get a little detail with this issue, but it took a meaningless death to kind of start that.
GREEN ARROW/BLACK CANARY #1: So I liked this. In fairness, Cliff Chiang is a big part of the reason, as the art is pretty much amazing. The rest of it was good fun, and a pretty good comic book. Nice moments with Green Lantern and Batman (the autopsy was hilarious) and a decent cliffhanger that wasn't really too much of a surprise. But yeah, Chiang is the shit.
RUNAWAYS #28: Another chapter in the Whedon Runaways. Still not reaching Vaughan levels, but I'm still having fun with the arc.
EXTERMINATORS #22: God damn this comic is crazy. No, seriously, its fucking crazy.
STORM SHADOW #4: So this book did continue with the goofy formula: bad, good, bad, good! The story was so-so, the art and that action were all pretty awesome. Zartan showing up was a nice surprise, and his confrontation with Storm Shadow was good times.
WONDER WOMAN #13: A pretty good filler issue, helping to set up and lead in to the much anticipated Simone run.
comics with problems:

PUNISHER WAR JOURNAL #12: The main World War Hulk title has been a mostly entertaining slug fest, but the side books just continue to be ugh for me. The art was good though, and I could seriously get into the Punisher symbiote outfit as necessary gear every once in a while.
FANTASTIC FOUR #550: The return of Gravity already? Blah. And it looks like we've already reached the end of the Black Panther/Storm era. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that we are, but it still is odd to me the progression that Sue/Reed go through from Civil War to here. I guess it really wasn't supposed to affect things for years to come.
FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN #24: I'm obviously not the only one thinking this, but really? Two issues into the four parter that changes everything and nothing has really happened? The last page was at least promising. And I dug Quesada's art more.
WORLD WAR HULK FRONTLINE #5: This still isn't working for me. The best part of the issue was probably the Top Ten reasons to hate Sally Floyd.
um, no:
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