On with the (very average) week that was.
book of the week:

(w/a. Stan Sakai)
Nothing stood out this week as great, so I'll go with one of my favorite comics that had another pretty good issue. Stan is starting a multi-part arc here, and so far so good. It has everything: old friends (always happy when Gen is around), new characters, Usagi returning and one of the scariest villains fresh off his origin story. Really looking forward to this. Should be another great chapter in the rabbit ronin's life.4-star. other good comics:

EX MACHINA MASQUERADE SPECIAL: Not sure why this was in a special rather than the book itself, but it was a good Ex-Machina story. I almost preferred the done-in-one feel.
3-star. some problems, but overall perfectly good comic entertainment:

AVENGERS: INITIATIVE #5: I kind of liked this. Curious who Mutant Zero is, although she wasn't all that interesting aside from the mystery itself. Fun issue.
WETWORKS #12: The romance stuff was borderline silly at times, but I kind of want Wildstorm to go all the way through the Vertigo-door with this book and experiment even more. Fun read.WALKING DEAD #41: Nutty ending. I've actually liked the quieter issues.
ACTION COMICS #855: The moments with Clark as a boy were good, the Bizarro moments so-so. Odd choice to do a Bizarro storyline when Morrison is doing (a much better) one at the same time.BRIT #1: Fun, but I don't know that I want more. Does it actually miss Kirkman? Maybe.

FALLEN ANGEL #19: I just don't like Shi. This series has been real good in the past, and I think it needs a shot in the storyline arm. Come on Peter.
FANTASTIC FOUR #549: I just don't enjoy the old-school feel/goofy McDuffie Fantastic Four. What I did like, and the reason it gets 2 stars and not one, is the Invisible Woman kicking ass.WONDER WOMAN #12: WhereohwhereisGailSimonealready?
1-star. um, just no:
1 comment:
I specifically didn't buy Brit just because it wasn't Kirkman. Who would have thought I could be a bigger comic snob than you?
That Ex Machina cover looks bad-ass, though, and I can't wait for Mice Templar... Remember, I usually have a couple of weeks lag. It works out, though, since I can check your blog beforehand and look for cool stuff I might have otherwise missed.
By the way, I added a link to you on my blog page. It's listed under OTHER COOL STUFF. Now all I have to do is get back to blogging...
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