Here we go.
Week 1, OCTOBER 24TH
book of the week

(w. Garth Ennis, a. Mike Wolfer)
After a really average preview issue, and more of the same first issue, this book takes a big leap up. Garth Ennis expertly settles us and the main characters into the town and world we are going to be living in. More characters are introduced, including old war buddies and railroad barons, and the history that everyone has. The most surprising, being Joe Dunn's ex-wife and the daughter he has never met. There are some Western cliches happening here, but it doesn't matter because now there are a whole lot of real, detailed characters demanding some panel time. I almost feel like the book needs more than six issues to let all of them have space and a comfortable conclusion. The dark gory ending is classic Ennis (and classic Avatar) and it catapults the series even farther along.
runner up
VELOCITY PILOT SEASON #1 - This was real close. Like Ripclaw, for at least one issue, this was a superb comic experience. And Kevin Maguire is fucking brilliant.
other real good comics
THE KILLER #5/6 - We fly past the midway point and the delay in printing is really the only thing wrong with the book. (Which makes very little sense considering it's a reprint of a French book that finished publishing in 2003.)
POTTER'S FIELD #2 - Great concept. I kind of want this as a TV show.
GREEN ARROW: YEAR ONE #6 - This little jam by Diggle and Jock closes out as one of the better minis of the year.
LONE RANGER #9 - Pretty fast paced issue for this title. Lone Ranger shot and dying on the cliffhanger.
DAREDEVIL #101 - Brubaker + Lark + Daredevil = Still one of the best super hero comics on the stands.
three-star comics
ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #115 - Another good issue in the re-energized Immonen era.
THUNDERBOLTS #117 - Pretty good issue. I really liked the scenes with Doc Sampson and Speedball.
X-MEN #204 - These quieter X-Men issues were always some of my favorites. I like that Carey is giving me that old feeling to be honest.
WALKING DEAD #43 - Good, but lets get to the WAR already!!
SHE-HULK 2 #22 - Solid start to Peter David's run with a lot of questions to be answered. Can't wait.
CASANOVA #10 - Some dirty sex scenes! Awesome.
FEAR AGENT: THE LAST GOODBYE #4 - So um, Heath has committed GENOCIDE? Shit. Wasn't expecting that.
DOKTOR SLEEPLESS #3 - Not great, but I'm still interested enough in Warren's crazy mind to stick with this.
WETWORKS #14 - Lots of vampires and monsters yapping about thrones and plans and double crossing, but I thought it was better than that sounds.
TRANSFORMERS: DEVASTATION #2 - Still no Six Shot whoopin' ass, but a solid issue.
ACTION COMICS #857 - This was probably my favorite issue of the Eric Powell/Bizzaro arc, but I'm kind of glad its over.
comics with problems
LOVELESS #20 - I'm sad that this book is here. Marcelo Frusin went MIA, Wes Cutter was killed and the book meandered through its teens, and now I'm just not sure what I think of the ghostly visions here. I will eventually give Azzarello the benefit of the doubt and read these again, together. It's no longer working for me as a monthly comic however.
SUPERMAN #669 - This was better than the first part, but I still feel its a bit dumb of DC to keep adding Kryptonians.
AUTHORITY: PRIME #1 - This wasn't really bad exactly, just not all that engaging. That's why its here.
CABLE/DEADPOOL #46 - This was probably my least favorite issue of the recent run. Was it the T'Challa/Storm Fantastic Four? I wonder. Hmm...
GEN 13 #13 - Gail Simone's up-and-down run with the Gen 13 kids concludes. Unfortunately, it was probably my least favorite issue in the run. I mean, they killed Kid Apollo! Seriously, I'm more curious to see what Simon "Exterminators" Oliver brings because they (read: Wildstorm) need a shot in the arm as they desperately try to find a good book.
MEGATRON: ORIGIN #4 - This mini STARTED good, but by the end of the fourth issue I was just bored with it all, but more importantly, the hard to read, frustrating art has me desperate to reach the last page. Ugh.
book of the week

(w/a. David Peterson)
The sequel to the break-out Mouse Guard chugs along into one of its better single issues. The cast of characters is pretty large now, and after being separated into two groups, the various mice have some nice character moments, especially the pairing of youngster Lieam and the aging Black Axe (my favorite). The plot slowed, but definitely hasn't stopped, as one set of mice make a big discovery. David Peterson's art continues to be amazing, as the look and feel of this book is gorgeous. Well done.
other real good comics
DAREDEVIL ANNUAL #1 - One of the better Annuals of the year for sure, and as good as the main title has been, one of the better Daredevil stories period. The plot isn't crazy original, with a criminal trying to go straight, but it was extremely well written and the art by Leandro Fernandez was awesome. Even at the end when there isn't much that separates the Black Tarantula from the Punisher, I thought it worked. I really hope the character makes a return appearance in the regular title.
CROSSING MIDNIGHT #12 - Bedtime Stories comes to its conclusion, and it ends up being my favorite arc of the series. By far.
WASTELAND #13 - Johnston and Mitten rolling on all cylinders as the second major arc comes to a close.
three-star comics
X-MEN MESSIAH COMPLEX #1 - Part 1 of 13. Aside from the Marc Silvestri art, which feels dated, this was actually a pretty good start to the crossover.
NEW X-MEN #43 - Nice issue. I'm really going to miss Skottie Young on this title, as I he was making the characters his own.
JACK OF FABLES #16 - I'm starting to like this title, maybe even enough to come off of my "We don't need this book, Jack should be in Fables" stance.
BATMAN #670 - Ra's al Gul, A Prelude. Harmless enough, and I even don't mind Tony Daniel. But following the epic three-parter with J.H., this return to normal super heroics just feels like a step down, even though its competent.
ACTION COMICS #858 - As anyone knows that reads this blog, I don't know much about DC and the history of their universe, so this Legion means little to me as far as incarnations go. Jimmy seems to be a reset of sorts, but whatever, it was a fun issue with some nice debut art by Gary Frank.
comics with problems
IRON MAN #23 - So-so issue with Iron Man starting to go insane. The art was rough here.
MIDNIGHTER: ARMAGEDDON #1 - On its own, it was a been-there-done-that Days of Future Authority issue. Problem is, this is the start of an entire storyline. Maybe it gets better (see TRANQUILITY below).
ULTIMATE POWER #8 - So part 8 of 9 and we are suddenly starting the MARCH ON ULTIMATUM. This story long lost any energy it might have had, so based on the last page, lets hope that at least the last installment has a very cool fight and the outcome actually matters (as was promised).
SAVAGE DRAGON #133 - It has been 15 issues (2+ years) that I've picked up a Savage Dragon comic. A big fan for a long time (I have the first 118 in a box), it isn't because the comic got bad that I stopped, it was just because I missed a few when I was broke and I've been waiting for a chance to catch up. Since that hasn't happened, I thought I'd check in. What did I find? A comic that has gotten even more retro, with two "8-pagers" instead of one story and lots and lots of word balloons jammed full of exposition that really didn't help me. Um, the fun wasn't there that I used to have, but I'll get it again in case it was due to the gap.
STORM SHADOW #5 - This wasn't very good. A silly storyline that REALLY missed the dynamic art that Mark Robinson brought to the first arc.
book of the week

(w. Brian Vaughan, a. Pia Guerra)
After the end of the last issue and the sudden death of one of our main characters, I didn't know what to expect in the penultimate issue of the series. Turns out, even MORE good stuff as most of the remaining plot threads come to a head in good and surprising ways. By the last page I'm taking a big breath with Yorick. One more issue.
runner up
SCALPED #11 - This was awesome. Y got the tie-breaker since it is ending, but this was a great comic. Gina Bad Horse takes center stage and of course, I'm now bummed that she's dead because she would have been an interesting POV to have.
other real good comics
ASTONISHING X-MEN #23 - The long wait was worth it, as Whedon and Cassaday are spot on. The telepathic conversation reveal was cool, but nowhere near as cool as Cyclops kicking ass. Loved the last page splash with the glowing red eyes.
CRIMINAL #10 - Excellent end to "Lawless" the second arc. And at this point, I liked "Coward" more, but its close. Great series.
STRANGE EMBRACE #5 - The creepy cover leads to even more of the creepy flashbacks. What's in store for our young hero listening to the past? Can't wait.
IMMORTAL IRON FIST #10 - No Danny Rand, but that's not enough to hurt this title. The Tourney continues in another great installment.
three-star comics
NEW AVENGERS: ILLUMINATI #5 - SPOILER: I had a lot of fun with this. The reveal of Blackbolt being a Skrull wasn't too much of a surprise, as he was the likeliest candidate. I hope the actual crossover is as fun.
BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #8 - Season 8 continues, and issues between Buffy and Faith rear their ugly head again.
THE ORDER #4 - The best issue in this series so far. Its Fraction's wacky Casanova ideas filtered through mainstream super hero Marvel editorial. So far its working.
UNCANNY X-MEN #492 - Messiah Complex Part 2. We're still in the setting up phase, but with a 13-part storyline, we are only 15 minutes in to the movie, so that's okay with me. Cyclops smacking Xavier around was awesome. I love that he is getting some love. I'm having fun so far, which is good.
EXTERMINATORS #23 - Lots of crazy fun, with the roach vs. human battle reaching a climax.
MS. MARVEL #21 - A) Agent Sum is turning into a really cool character. B) Aaron Lopresti has cemented himself as a really solid comic book artist. C) Machine Man is still funny. With a female Life Model Decoy body that he got as a signing bonus? Even funnier.
OMEGA: THE UNKNOWN #2 - This comic is getting even weirder, but I'm still with it.
FANTASTIC FOUR #551 - The best issue in the McDuffie/Pelletier run, bar none. It had some moments that made me cringe, but for the most part it was a fun comic book adventure, with a neat twist on Reed's 100 fix-the-world things. Turns out he is a villain in the future, and super heroes (including Doom) have to come back in time to stop him. The cliffhanger, where Reed blows Namor's head off was genuinely cool, too. What more can you ask for?
FALLEN ANGEL #21 - This series spends another issue with Jude as the main character, which is fine. As he accepts his role as Magistrate, he and the book are getting better.
ROBIN #168 - Not bad, but just not all that good. It seemed like we stretched a beat out into an entire issue so that they can stretch the crossover.
comics with problems
SUPERMAN #670 - A so-so end to a so-so plot. The worst part was that I spent the whole issue just waiting for it to end the way it did with the "old lady" Kryponian returning to save the day because she DOES have a conscious. Ugh. Best part of this Kryptonian arc? Batman. Nuff said.
MIDNIGHTER #13 - This was a bit of a mess, story and art wise. The start of this storyline showed more promise, but at this point its stretching out a little long.
TRANSFORMERS SPOTLIGHT: RAMJET - They tried to make Ramjet interesting, but he came across as an idiot. This wasn't necessary at all.
SILVER SURFER: IN THY NAME #1 - I was really excited for this title. Tan Eng Huat's art, one of the main reasons I bought the book was just too much to handle and ruined the story for me. I don't even know if he was the primary culprit, as it is the colors that made it hard to decipher. I think I'm done with the mini, and that's too bad.
TRANQUILITY: ARMAGEDDON #1 - So ARMAGEDDON doesn't get better. It gets worse. Besides the switch to an inferior artist in the middle, this just didn't work for me at all. Poor Wildstorm.
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